Web Application for HBH. PCI India has partnered with JEPC to provide holistic counselling to students at 106 girls residential schools in 10 districts across the 5 divisions of Jharkhand. The MIS is intended for holistic career counselling for girls of residential government KGBV and JBAV schools
The FPCP program aims to abridge the gap between the demand and supply of family planning information and services by converging the community-based cadre of JEEViKA and Health. Web application was developed for seamless beneficiary line listing and streamlining payment mechanism for Jeevika cadres like CNRPs/CMs
App for community-based screening and referral model to improve referral and access to health services, while utilising existing community level platforms to increase health education on NCDs.Hypertension, Diabetes reading in Asha+ device is captured in a native app through bluetooth and synchronized for dashboard viewing.
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